Online Family Activity Packs — CELEBRATE Trust

Everything in these packs is designed to help you connect with God, your family and others. We have suggested ways to engage with the activities but it's completely up to you to use them, however works best for you. 

CELEBRATE Trust has produced a variety of activity packs based on the liturgical seasons of the Church as well as some key areas of focus for families – do take a look as you will find a huge range of ideas and links to help you, your children and your teenagers. These can also assist with ideas for children’s liturgy, youth groups, schools and parishes within the Catholic Church and beyond.

You can download the activity pack and all the accompanying links to online resources are within the guide.

Sometimes we have suggested resources that may be more or less appropriate for different age groups. Look out for the depthometer to get a gauge on how suitable the activity will be for the members of your family or group. The ideas are accessible for individuals or for your whole family. You could also connect with others as a group perhaps 2/3 families either in person or online, to discuss the theme, or something you have watched or read.

Online Family Activity Packs give the opportunity to draw close to Jesus, and also to build local community together.

Check out the latest edition below!

Click the button below to begin downloading your FREE pack!

These CELEBRATE@home resources have been produced to serve the Church. They are free to download but are not free to produce so we would be very grateful if you would consider making a donation – thank you so much.

If you would like an acknowledgement of your gift please email informing us of your parish and they amount you have donated.

Our CELEBRATE@Home Online Family Activity Packs are sent out to our large mailing list, diocesan contacts for marriage and family life and via social media. To ensure you receive the latest information join our mailing list here.

Disclaimer: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by authors and contributors contained in external links hosted on CELEBRATE Trust’s site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the CELEBRATE Trust team or organisation. CELEBRATE Trust aims to share information that is useful and relevant to visitors on their website but neither CELEBRATE Trust nor its affiliates warrant its completeness or accuracy, and it should not be relied on as such.

Past Editions: