Welcome to BIBLE CELEBRATIONS, CELEBRATE’s new parish resource aimed at bringing people of all ages together, and especially to attract families to a local event in the parish.

BIBLE CELEBRATIONS help create community and relationship with the hope of encouraging non-Christians and non-attending Catholics towards attendance at church and developing a close relationship with God. It’s a great precursor to the Alpha Course and encourages a community to come together to encounter and reflect on a Bible story in an imaginative and entertaining way.

How they work

Each of the Celebration Plans is based on a celebration story in the Bible, mainly around the liturgical seasons. Each plan contains a Bible story that will be shared and explained in a simple way, and unpacked with a variety of activities such as drama, reflection and prayer, music, crafts, games and food.

There are currently three BIBLE CELEBRATIONS to choose from, just click below. See the Leaders Notes for details on how to begin and what you will need:

Our thanks to CAFOD, RISE theatre, David Wells and Theresa McNamara for their support, and to Eleanor Oliver for designing the resources.

Free to download but not free to produce. We would be very grateful for donation to our work.

If you would like an acknowledgement of your gift please email info@celebratetrust.org informing us of your parish and they amount you have donated.