Lent Family Pack - CELEBRATE@Home
Lent Family Pack - CELEBRATE@Home
Lent is a wonderful opportunity in the Church year to step back and evaluate where we stand with God, with ourselves and with others. In Made for Heaven, a guided Lent journal written by Fr Agustino Torres, CFR, we will discover that we were created for more, for heaven, and we are invited to journey with Jesus through Lent so that we are transformed more into His likeness and made holy.
Three tools that the Church encourages us to take up are prayer, fasting and almsgiving - so how might we incorporate these into our family life, in ways that work best for the adults, teens and children in our midst? In this pack you will find lots of interactive ways to journey through Lent as a family, suggestions for prayer, books to savour and movies to enjoy with your family that might help promote discussion of faith. Use whatever is helpful to your family - you know them best. As Rachel Turner has said, “God has given you a place of significant influence in the spiritual lives of your children, and that place cannot be replicated or replaced”.
With every blessing for a peaceful and joyful Lent.
This resource is free to download but not free to produce so we would be very grateful if you would consider making a donation this Christmas – thank you so much.